Volunteer Opportunities
If you’d like to be notified of upcoming events, please sign up to our email list or email CTNERR.Volunteer@uconn.edu
Groton Cleanup
Friday, April 11 @ 9AM
Location: Birch Plains Creek Wildlife Area
Register here: Google registration form
Join us as we partner with the Baker Cove Watershed Committee, Mystic Aquarium, Town of Groton, and City of Groton to clean up various sites in Groton, CT. Neon vests, gloves, pickers, and bags will be provided. All you need to do is sign up and show up!
Upcoming Volunteer Events
Check back soon!
Seasonal Opportunities
Frog Watch – March-May, each year
Once volunteers are trained to identify frogs by their unique calls, they select a local wetland to monitor through the spring and summer. Visit Akron Zoo Frogwatch for more info or reach out to closest AZA-accredited zoo or aquarium to find a volunteer chapter near you!
City Nature Challenge – April, each year
The City Nature Challenge is an international effort for people to find and document plants and wildlife in cities across the globe. Using the free app, iNaturalist, participants identify species in their backyards and neighborhoods. Visit the Maritime Aquarium’s website about the challenge or email communityscience@maritimeaquarium.org to learn more about how to participate.
Horseshoe crab Monitoring: Project Limulus – April-June, each year
Sample and tag horseshoe crabs along the northern coast of Long Island Sound during May and June spawning season. Visit the Project Limulus website for more information or email info@projectlimulus.org.
Osprey Nest Monitoring: Osprey Nation – April-May, each year
Join the Osprey Nation to monitor an osprey nest near you! Monitoring an Osprey nest takes only about 15 minutes twice a month. To learn more, visit the Osprey Nation website or email osprey@ctaudubon.org.
Year-round opportunities
Water Quality Monitoring: Save the Sound
Throughout CT – Volunteers are trained by Save the Sound staff scientists to measure local environmental conditions, identify pollution, and activate their own communities to address pollution sources through their water quality monitoring program. Learn more on the Sound Health Explorer website.
Avalonia Land Conservancy, Inc.
Old Mystic, CT – Volunteers help in all aspects of our operations including trail work, property stewardship, beach clean-ups, fund-raising, special events, clerical and computer support. If you are looking for a one-time, short-term or long-term volunteer opportunity, they can find something that suits your skills and schedule. Visit the Avalonia website or call (860) 884-3500.
Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center
Mystic, CT – Volunteers help in all facets of our operations including education, clerical, special events, animal care, and maintenance. If you are looking for a one-time, short-term or long-term volunteer arrangement, you may find volunteering at DPNC is a rewarding experience. Visit the Denison Pequotsepos Nature Center website or call (860) 536-1216.
Mystic Aquarium
Mystic, CT – After initial training, volunteers assist with exhibit education, classroom assistance, the stranding team, and husbandry in animal care areas. Visit the Mystic Aquarium website or call (860) 572-5955.
Thames River Basin Partnership
Eastern CT – The Poquetanuck Cove Preservation Committee of the Thames River Basin Partnership is seeking volunteers to assist with summer plant community monitoring at Poquetanuck Cove, located between Preston and Ledyard, CT. This monitoring is part of a multiyear Phragmites control project in Poquetanuck Cove, the best-preserved tidal cove off of the Thames River. Training is free and all equipment is provided! Visit the Thames River Basin Partnership website or call (860) 928-4948.
Not finding a good fit for you? If you’re looking for opportunities outside of the Reserve boundary, the Long Island Sound Study has a thorough list of volunteer opportunities in NY and CT: see the full list here.
Need Volunteers? Contact CTNERR.Volunteer@uconn.edu and we’ll send an email out to our volunteer list and help you recruit some help!