Ashley Hamilton

System Wide Monitoring Program Lead

Professional experience

Ashley graduated from the UConn Avery Point with a B.S. in marine sciences. After undergrad, she completed a master’s degree from the University of Rhode Island, where her research focused on the impacts of anthropogenic stressors to commercially important bivalve species. Since 2016 she has worn various hats in the shellfish and seaweed aquaculture industry, including farm hand, hatchery production and researcher. Ashley is thrilled to be a part of the Reserve team and to initiate CT’s System Wide Monitoring Program.

What is your favorite memory of a CT Reserve site?

“My family owns and operates a small oyster farm in Noank CT. Watching my 3 year old daughter sit on the farm boat off of Ram Island and “help” hand-sort oysters is my new favorite memory of a Reserve site. The sense of wonder and excitement she has for all she encounters on the oyster farm has helped me slow down and re-appreciate all that Long Island Sound has to offer.”

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